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Sunday, 7 March 2010

I’ve gone all natural…..

When I first relaxed my hair as a teenager it was healthy and took to relaxer well, I relaxed it on time for years and years spending a whole heap of cash on treatments and trims and to be honest it looked great. It was easy to manage and style and I did enjoy having it.

However in 2008 my hair decided to protest and it started breaking all over the place I had short bits and long bits and even bald bits. I started to do a little research on my hair and realised what the chemicals were doing to me and my head. I also took a little look into my life and realised that I really needed to start taking care of myself.

I realised that hair is not forgiving and I didn’t want to get older and have a hairline back to my ears.

So I decided to grow out the relaxer and in December 2008 I braided up what was left of my hair and let it grow out.

In the meanwhile I read every blog on natural hair that was going many are in the blog list on the left of my page. I watched all the you-tube videos I could and started to learn more about taking care of my own hair it its natural state and last month I took it all out.

Ok so it’s a learning process for me right now but I am learning to style it myself and here it is, in its full glory….

What do you think????


Misstarii said...

It really looks naturally nice :)

Tiffany said...

Looks great, I am not ready to go natural but I am going to add some curls with some bantu knots tomorrow.


♥ CG ♥ said...

Welcome to the club! Looking good as always :-).

P.S. Thanks for joining the Red Pump Project!!!

Rosh said...

Looks great! I've been transing for a bit over a year and will continue to do so. You're pics are an inspiration to me to keep going toward natural. I love your curls!

Selah said...

oooooo, cute-ness!! It flatters you, definitely :)

I love new styles, and I'm fighting the urge not to go and get a Rihanna cut. What if my head's too big?? lol

Unknown said...

It looks really beautiful!

E.M.H. said...

Cute!!! I like :-)

12kyle said...

My hair is natural, too! LOL

I like it, Angel. Very cute

Shubby Doo said...

you look lovely...u are definitely rocking this new look as well as the last

lolobloggs went thru this. maybe she has advice to share...check out her post on it:

Lamoi said...

it's absolutely beautiful :)

Afronuts said...

You seem to take good care of ur hair...
And the camera always seems to make a good impression of you!


Angel said...

@ Tricia, thank you

@ Rebonegirl97, Your hair is still full and beautiful unlike mine was. I am yet to try the bantu knot curling…hmmm I’m not doing much tonight though what a good idea.

@ Curvy Gurl, thanks hun :)

@Bad Me Good, thank you so much I am pleased you said that.

@ Selah, I saw a girl with the Rihanna cut and it looked nasty, it just didn’t suit her at all…but I think you could pull it off

@ Amanda, thank you dear

@ E.M.H, thank you – you know I never asked you what those letters stand for..

@12 Kyle, LOL and thanks for the compliments

@ Shubby Doo, thank you I am glad you liked my hair and thanks for the link to lolabloggs I did check her out and commented.

@ ms.rubies, awwwwwww thank you

@Afronuts, wow thank you what a compliment :)

achoiceofweapons said...

I love your natural hair. It truly fits you! Mista Jaycee

ANGELINA said...

I love your hair! It looks great :) I recently went natural too :)